How much does an EndlessPools counter-current swimming pool weigh? Can my terrace support the weight?
Aquestes i alguna altra, són les típiques preguntes més comunes per a la gent que vol instal·lar una piscina a una terrassa oa alguna planta superior de la casa.
Many people are interested in installing an EndlessPools counter-current swimming pool, as many have a corner with enough space for it.
The truth is that the vast majority plan to install it on a terrace, an attic, a first floor… and this is where the doubt arises. Would this corner support the weight of an EndlessPools pool?
Very important! The Kilo per square meter
To know if you can install the EndlessPools counter-current swimming pool, you must first know how many kilos per square meter the surface where you want to install it can withstand.
We calculate the Kilo per square meter of an EndlessPools Pool
The average interior size of an EndlessPools Pool is 4.26m. x 2.13m. x 1.22m., which means that it has a capacity of 9.8 m3 of water, which translated into kilos is about 9,800 kilos of water. Here we must add the 2,000 kilos of weight of the modular steel panels of the pool and machinery.
Therefore, the total weight of the complete EndlessPools pool will be approximately 13,000 kilos distributed between 11.4 square meters of total surface area.
And here we have the data: A counter-current swimming pool represents a weight of 1.20 tons per square meter.
If the surface where you want to install it supports more than 1.20 tons per square meter, your project can become a reality!