Open water swimming at home thanks to EndlessPools
UnSoft water current, similar to the current of a river and with 52 adjustable speeds, perfect for improving your swimming.
Training for long distances, such as the English Channel, can be an intimidating experience. Long training hours, difficulty finding available pools, and crowded lanes all compound the problem of finding a way to train for open water swimming, especially if you live inland, to acclimatize to the cold temperatures of many open water crossings.
Thanks to the installation of an EndlessPools pool, whether in your garage garden… you will avoid the problem of having to travel miles to access the sea. Nothing when you want it, at the temperature you want. During the winter months you can raise the water temperature and lower it when spring and summer approach (or turn off the heater) to acclimatize to the temperature you will encounter in the next challenge.
While swimming in one of the EndlessPools counter-current swimming systems you can refine your technique, thanks to the ground mirror, or the possible installation of underwater cameras. The combination of the water current and the mirror installed at the bottom of the pool allow you to know instantly and with complete security the level of efficiency and technique of your stroke.
The feeling of open waters in your own home.
A small modification of the stroke allows you to reduce the resistance to the current, this makes you maintain your position in the current with less effort and a slower stroke, ultimately you gain efficiency in the stroke. The advantage of improving efficiency is to swim with the least possible effort. During the crossings, improving your technique can make the difference between reaching the shore or having to abandon.
Since you do not need to make turns or lengths, your attention will be focused exclusively on the essence of each stroke. This generates a maximum level of concentration, without distractions, which can be very valuable in long distance races, helping you to maintain attention in the execution of each stroke, just like the very large number of strokes.
The lack of interruptions caused by turns, as well as the uniformity of the current speed, means that when you reach your optimal stroke, you can continue to convert it into muscle memory, until your stroke rhythm is perfectly uniform
These are two huge advantages when swimming for several hours!
Finally, the pool offers the opportunity to swim at any time, without having to travel to a local pool. You can swim for hours, before and/or after work. While you’re swimming, you can use an MP3 player to listen to music, books, and even podcasts about swimming techniques!