With good maintenance of the Fastlane or InsertPool System you will have no problem swimming at home for many years. We will explain below:

First of all we must separate the pools with a conventional chlorination disinfection system from the pools with a saline chlorination disinfection system (salt electrolysis).

The type of maintenance is the same, but those with conventional chlorination will have maintenance every 4-5 years, while those with saline chlorination will have more frequent maintenance every 2–3 years.


The system protects swimming pools from salt chlorination through a sacrificial anode and the correct connection of the grounding, to avoid corrosion of the metal elements, the anode must be replaced when it loses approximately half of its mass (more or less between 4 and 8 months, depending on the salt concentration of the water, PH level and alkalinity of the pool), never let this anode run out completely.

It is very important to have the grounding properly connected!

Maintenance of the Fastlane and InsertPool System

  • Hydraulic pipe replacement..
  • Replacement of an internal engine component.

The pipe and component have an approximate cost of €1,400 (VAT not included)-

Oil change: we recommend changing the non-food biodegradable vegetable oil and the filter of the power unit every 5 years or after 500 hours of use.
As we have mentioned, in the event of installing the system in a pool with a conventional chlorination disinfection system, maintenance will be carried out every 4-5 years.

In the case of a pool with salt chlorination disinfection, this maintenance must be done every 2-3 years, and the following water chemical parameters must also be taken into account:

  • PH values ​​between 7,4 – 7,8
  • Free residual chlorine: <1,3 mg/l
  • Total alkalinity between 80-120 ppm.
  • The amount of salt must be less than 4,000 ppm and the total dissolved solids (TSD) must not exceed 7,000 ppm.
  • Periodically check the sacrificial anode, as it is more susceptible to wear in pools with salt chlorination.